


Component Modular Architecture

EPASS ERP is a component modular system that promotes maximum flexibility in system implementation. It adapts to the customer’s current requirements for processing business processes and allows for the use of existing customer components to be connected to the system through hundreds of dedicated “sockets.”

User Interfaces

The EPASS ERP ecosystem offers different user interfaces suitable for various groups of users. Operations staff can use a simplified interface suitable for tablets, business staff can work in the native Windows environment, sales staff can use the web interface, and management can access a management dashboard adapted to the capabilities of mobile phones.

Automatically Processed Tasks

The system provides a broad range of automatically processed tasks known as RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Standard RPA tasks include sending issued invoices in the formats required by the customer, informing customers about the status of their orders, contacting defaulters, and monitoring insolvency for unpaid debts. In addition, RPA can be expanded limitlessly to include customer-specific tasks.

Online Processing

Everything is done online over a shared database, so no batch transfers between modules are necessary. Each transaction is immediately evaluated by the system, and critical control information is immediately available, such as when a customer’s receivables exceed an agreed limit.

Sekci moduly přeložíme, pokud bude rozhodnuto přeložit kompletně všechny stránky a ze sekce Moduly se na tyto stránky bude kliknutím skákat, V opačném případě sekci moduly odstraníme a zůstanou pouze dále uvedené stručné charakteristiky bez odskoků


Sectoral Solutions

Capturing and managing processes in a mining company, solving the problems of mining, processing and sale of raw materials, including the connection to management and economic subsystems.

Comprehensive tools for business processes, planning of production and technical resources and maximally integrated management of concrete production with production technologies.

Aimed at companies providing services for the collection and treatment of construction debris and waste. Provision of a special ergonomic user interface and support for waste reception/shipment.

A comprehensive system for monitoring technical and economic indicators for the management of agendas related to the operation of budgetary service organizations of towns and municipalities.

Technical preparation, planning and management of piece and small batch production.

Analytical Tools

Determining the costs of each stage of the stone production process in a mining company

Customer Relationship Management based on data obtained from EPASS ERP modules, evaluation and optimization of business processes according to customer needs and priorities

A tool to support company management by evaluating important data from monetary and material sources of the information system

MIS – Management Informatin System

A tool for strategic and tactical decision-making of top management based on information from all parts of the enterprise information system and from off-site sources with outputs in the form of texts, tables, graphs and their combinations

Reporting draws data both from EPASS information system and from external third-party systems. It uses all currently available technologies for information presentation, including MS Reporting services.

Financial Modules

Issued invoices organized into any number of document number series and generated from sales process documents – clarity, efficiency and high productivity

Double-entry bookkeeping with the possibility of processing multiple accounting units in one information system


The module will support timely and error-free submission of prescribed forms to the tax office. It is based on the initial registration of tax documents and is independent of their posting status.

A sophisticated process of automatic matching of invoices with payments offers a perfect overview of the status of receivables and payables and the payment morale of customers, regardless of the status of posting of issued invoices

Financial documents (accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash and internal documents) are an integral part of the EPASS® ERP document system, which enables the modelling of enterprise business and production processes.

The module will make the agenda of regular payments easier and more efficient by automatically creating payment documents and orders.

Electronic import of bank statements is ready in ERP EPASS® for most banking institutions, for any other domestic or foreign bank we will process the import support.

Payroll is handled by third-party payroll software in ERP EPASS®. ERP EPASS can completely integrate your existing payroll software to create an efficient payroll processing system.

A comprehensive tool for recording and managing all types of assets, including their depreciation and accounting according to current legislation

Timely notification of changes in the insolvency register concerning business partners against whom the client has a claim

An automated service allowing email reminders to be sent to customers who are overdue on invoices

FIDOO – effective registration of receipts and invoices, i.e. original documents received by employees during ennterprise purchases of products and services

Trade Modules

Use the capabilities of the EPASS® ERP document system to model your company’s business and manufacturing processes.

Records of tangible and intangible products and services that are the subject of the company’s production or trading activities

It is used for pricing and valuation of products in a company with the possibility to create any number of price levels to set different prices for a given product according to its use.

Support for cooperation with external eshops

Comprehensive tool for warehouse management with the possibility of flexible setting of all specifics of warehouse records in the enterprise

Automated connection to carriers’ transport systems and completion of carrier web portal data

Additional Modules

Documents in a variety of text and graphic formats can be entered into the system using the Document Management module, matched to relevant production, business and financial records and organized for easy retrieval.

Recording all company activities in the form of events and tasks, informing employees of their progress and fullfilment. Time sheet for reporting hours worked by individual employees on projects.

Employee records with information on professional competence, qualifications, training, medical fitness. Management of jobs classification including systematisation and monitoring of requirements for individual positions.

Defining workflows – a sequence of actions to be performed by designated workers on a circulating document. Control and approval of circulating documents. List of ongoing circulations, notification of new requests and lists of pending requests.

System Modules

Recording of data on natural and legal persons, used by almost all EPASS® ERP modules. Unlimited number of data identifying and characterizing each partner. The basis for effective customer relationship management.

Umožňuje podrobně specifikovat k jakým informacím mají jednotliví uživatelé přístup a jaké operace mohou v agendách ERP EPASS® provádět.

Universal tool for converting data from external sources to the EPASS® SQL ERP database

Context-dependent print selection dialog with a menu of different forms of output. Individual setting of print output parameters for each user.

Accesses selected functionality of the EPASS® ERP system via a web browser. Thanks to the connection to the ERP EPASS® operational database, the user always works with up-to-date data.

The division of the company into internal departments presented as a multilevel tree structure with codes and names of individual departments. Basis for information on activities and profitability of departments.

Application server for automatically processed tasks (Robotic Process Automation) performed fully autonomously without user intervention.

Solutions Based on EPASS® ERP

Extension of warehouse records to include information on where specific quantities of stored goods are located with locations as hierarchical structures describing the physical layout of the warehouse

Online mobile client for location Warehouse management running on tablets

Planning the efficient use of the company’s available technical resources – production equipment, vehicles and operators with a direct link to ERP EPASS® documents

A tool for filling the capacity of production facilities for each day of the week. A special table is available for working with the plan, in which the individual fields represent days and contain the occupancy in relation to the set capacity.

Support for maintenance, revision and repair management of selected equipment

A comprehensive system for the management of powder coating processes – procurement, cost tracking and order processing, capacity planning, paint inventory management and invoicing

Special Applications

Superstructure of the warehouse module supporting processes related to the registration and handling of explosives in accordance with applicable Czech laws and EU directives

Web application for service technicians to commissioning and servicing of equipment

Calculation of the costs of housing cooperatives and Association of flat unit owners divided into individual owners of housing units

It is used to sell stock directly. The sales made directly affect the stock status.

Comprehensive system for weighing vehicles and transported materials integrated in ERP EPASS®


A wide range of options for default system settings and changing them without interfering with the program code.

Unique component allowing to add new items to selected information system objects by user configuration means.

Sophisticated query tool to extract the required information from EPASS® ERP data

Capturing and recording events that occur during system operation

User-definable multilingual registers in the form of simple lists or tree structures

Special storage of XML documents on MS SQL Server used to store system settings

A tool for marking selected records in lists suitable for performing bulk operations

View and export or print totals in lists

Chat between system users, messaging to users and integrated email client

Records of all activities performed in the database by individual users

Text messaging – communication of users through EPASS communication platform

An email client that allows you to share a repository of received and sent emails between different mail clients.

User customization of the app appearance by choosing from more than 25 themes

Recording note texts and calling application window functions by voice

Speeding up information retrieval via internal memory cache

Filling templates created in Microsoft DOCX, HTML and XLSX formats with data from EPASS documents

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